Waikato Women's Refuge Te Whakaruruhau in partnership with Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga hosted Te Whakaruruhau-Partnering for Whānau Symposium on the 19th - 20th July 2018.

On the 12th June, at Waipapa Marae (University of Auckland) the Faculty of Law held a day long symposium on Māori Engagement with the Extractive Industry. The aim of the Symposium was to explore Māori engagement with the industry, both off-shore and on-shore, with a focus on best practice in relation to consultation, preparation of impact assessments and agreement making.

Needs and opportunities facing Māori communities are critically important to New Zealand’s future development. The ‘Māori dimension’ of New Zealand society, culture and economy is a ‘net national opportunity’ as these communities are now on the cusp of a new era of development signalled by, among other things, the settlement of major Treaty claims.