Matakitenga project


Pae Auaha

Pātai Whānau

Project commenced:

This research project will create a Digital Data Dashboard that links land blocks and sites with tūpuna and hapū names for the uri of Turora. It will take a case study approach, previously used in Ngāti Kirihika whanau research that identified rohe whenua and found their tūpuna in many land blocks of other hapū. The focus of this project will be on the hapū of Ngāti Kirihika, Ngāti Wehiwehi, Ngāti Mōtai, and Ngāti Takaha. This searchable digital database will link the tūpuna, the land blocks they were landowners and their karanga for the block. Our case study approach will include the hapū partitions of the parent blocks that were Kaimai 1& 2, Whaiti Kuranui blocks 1 through 6, Paiakamangoatua, Rangitanuku, Mangawhero, Okauia 2, Mangapouri, Okoroire, Whakaaratamaiti, Waotu, Mangakaretu, Kokako, Te Ranga, Pokaiwhenua & Huihuitaha. The Digital Data Dashboard will support the strengthening of hapū and whanau identity and knowledge. Making data from the Māori Land Court accessible will enable whanau to compile their whakapapa back to tūpuna of the 1880s and link to the land blocks where they were landowners. 

Research Lead(s) and Team 

Lead: Dr Robin Quigg (Raukawa, Ngāti Tamaterā, Ngāti Mōtai, Ngāti Tūkorehe, Ngāti Takaha) (UoO), with Dr Des Kahotea (Ngāti Pukenga, Ngāti Ranginui, Ngaiterangi), Anna-Marie Monk (Ngāti Raukawa), & Eve Henare (Ngāti Raukawa).