NPM grant Type


Opening and Closing Dates

14 Aug 2024 to 02 Sep 2024


CLOSING DATE 2 September 2024, 5.00PM

Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) is inviting applications for our 2024 Whakaaweawe Impact and Transformation Grants.


NPM Whakaaweawe Impact and Transformation Grants support Māori researchers employed at an NPM partner entity to achieve research outcomes and knowledge sharing pathways that harness connectedness and promote research uptake and impact.


The types of activities supported by this grant might include individual or collective outputs including artistic works, performances, and creative designs, policies, or processes. They might also include activities that lead to scholarly books, journal articles, and other nationally and internationally published outputs and presentations that offer new, recovered, or reinterpreted knowledge. 

Examples of what the grant might be used for including: creating digital assets including film, photography, infographics, illustrations; creating interactive experiences such as board games and exhibitions; creating performative or artistic articulations of research findings such as film and compositions; publication and final editing costs; Open Access expenses; hosting or attending an in-person event, hui, wānanga or conference. 

Successful applicants in the past have used this grant to support research outputs that have included books, journal articles, free online resources, app development, performance of haka, translation of existing work into te reo Māori for publication, and to attend and present research at conferences.


The lead applicant must be a Māori researcher employed at an NPM partner entity.


Applicants must be prepared to spend their fully allocated budget by 30th June 2025 and complete all project objectives.


We expect to support a mix of 10-15 projects, valued up to $3,000 and larger projects up to $7,000, from a total funding pool of $50,000 NZD.

For applicants seeking support to present an accepted, peer-reviewed paper at an academic conference, the maximum that may be applied for is $2,500 and may be used to cover registration at online or in-person conferences, travel and accommodation.


02nd September 2024, 5.00pm