Conscious of the lack of serious inquiry into Kapa Haka, the CEO of Te Matatini Inc, the National Organisation for Kapa Haka in Aotearoa New Zealand approached Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence (NPM), to make a start on rectifying this situation. This programme of research seeks to better appreciate the value and benefits of Kapa Haka to our present context and, importantly, future vision, in turn providing clear evidence and well-articulated arguments required to support balanced decision-making, investment and future development.

This is an ongoing and largely unfunded programme of work. If you are a student or researcher and have an interest in any aspect of kapa haka research we are keen to hear from you. Please contact us at email:

Overview report

Nikora, L.W., Meade, R., Hall, M., Bowden, L., Selby-Rickit, T.H.R., Mikaere, T.M., Te Huia, A., & Fox, R. (2022). The Value of Kapa Haka – An Overview Report. Auckland, NZ : Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

Technical reports

Hall, M., & Bowden, L. (2021). Māori Performing Arts and Educational Outcomes Report. Wellington, NZ : Victoria University of Wellington – Te Herenga Waka
Meade, R. (2021). Exploring the Cultural Value of Kapa Haka – the Māori Performing Arts – using a Binomial Logit and Other Travel Cost Models. Auckland, NZ : Auckland University of Technology & Cognitus Economic Insight.
Mikaere, T.M. (2021). Ngā hua nui o te kapa haka. Otaki, NZ : Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
Nikora, L.W., Ruru, S., King, P., Sharples, P., Patrick, D., Williams, M., Maxwell, T., Flavell, T. (2021). Exploring the value and meaning of Kapa Haka - Māori Performing Arts : The Hine Rēhia Survey. Auckland, NZ : Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga, New Zealand’s Māori Centre of Research Excellence.
Selby-Rickit, T.H.R. (2021). Ngā hua nui o te kapa haka. Otaki, NZ : Te Wānanga o Raukawa.
Te Huia, A., & Fox, R. (2020). Manawa ū ki te reo Māori : Matatini and non-Matatini survey responses. Wellington, NZ : Victoria University of Wellington – Te  Herenga Waka.

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