We offer a number of initiatives and support to nurture capability building:

Te Kupenga o MAI: The National Programme for Māori and Indigenous Post-graduate Advancement

This network provides advice, support and information to Māori and indigenous PhD candidates. The programme comes out of a recognition that Māori students will usually not have gone straight to doctoral studies after completing a degree, but that many are older and have to balance study with community, family and leadership responsibilities. By bringing students together in a collegial, multi-disciplinary environment, with everyone participating in the mentoring process, MAI addresses common problems of feeling isolated or over-stretched. The network now extends to 10 sites and provides academic support for more than 400 Māori PhD candidates. This includes candidates studying at overseas universities, some of whom travel back to New Zealand to participate in activities. For full details, visit the Te Kupenga o MAI website.

Doctoral students conference

Each year our doctoral students convene and lead a doctoral students conference.

Bridging support from pre-doctoral to post-doctoral levels

These grants range from internships at pre-doctoral level, through to doctoral and post-doctoral.